Saturday, August 16, 2008

Afternoon - so stayed up way past my bedtime, ran the risk of turning into a pumpkin but it was well worth it. I'm well underway with this latest series (or at least the first piece!) Thanks to some very supportive folk at the nz art guild and my friends and family I'm gathering a lot of relevant information. The diversity of reactions to my requests are astounding, and quite surprising too. I think the biggest challenge lies in doing the quotes justice without coming off as steriotypical or trite. The positive attitude displayed by the majority of teenagers I think is the most surprising - although I'm starting to wonder if in some ways this is a front. Immediately on writing that it has occurred to me that - of course it is, I just dont know how to get past that. I'm thinking I need an additional approach. It is also difficult to gage interpretation when I'm being handed reactions second hand in some instances (obviously I am incredibly grateful for these as my sphere of acquaintances is limited)It comes down, I guess, to building a level of trust - which is hard under any circumstance let alone these ones. It's also difficult in that I'm not giving much away as I don't want to influence the reactions to my request, I just want initial first reactions.
Oh yeah and it's snowing :)

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