Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back into painting

So it's been awhile since I've posted anything, I've got a good excuse though. My Mums been down visiting, I hadn't seen her for three years. So of course painting took a back seat this last couple of weeks. She's just left for the airport and yes I blubbed like a baby! I'm guessing that I'll be homesick again for awhile. It'll be interesting to see how that affects my work. The lesson I learnt this week was definitely that you're never to old to miss your mum!
It's been an emotional few weeks - we had to have one of our cats put to sleep because she was poisoned, that was a learning curve I wish my girls didnt have to experience. A serious amount of pride as I will soon have work exhibiting in the "Gift of Art" gallery in Christchurch(more on that later it deserves a whole post of it's own) Then the joy of seeing mum and the sadness as she left - I'm figuring that will linger for awhile.
Anyway must away to paint before the school run this avy.