Tuesday, March 9, 2010

NZ Got Talent

Ok - if you're down this way check it out, 27 artists (including yours truly) from around NZ all together in one fantastic exhibition.

City Gallery
Don Street

I was lucky enough to make the opening and was absolutely blown away by the variety of amazing works on show!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

When I grow up......

When I grow up......
acrylic on canvas

Lost in her own world of dreams a small girl dances, she dreams of beauty and she dreams of grace, and she dreams of the future - her future. She dreams of when she grows up........

This piece was painted for the "Life" auction to be held at the Bruce Mason Centre on Feb 3rd. As it goes to auction I will be having my head shaved to support the Leukaemia and Blood Foundation of NZ.

Painting this piece was harder than I thought, it began with the idea of a child looking forward at all life has to bring. However as I worked it became for me a chance to look back. I used to be that little girl, although for me my love was horses. I'd "saddle" up the verandah with an old towel and use my dressing gown cord for the reins and I'd ride from dusk til dawn. I did eventually work with horses as a trek guide and stable hand. It was never as I pictured it though, I quickly became restless and disillusioned.

This trip down memory lane didnt end there, I began to dwell on missed opportunity and paths not taken. It took a lot of strength to move past that. I had to focus myself in an incredibly strict fashion, and pull back to the original reason behind the painting.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Little On Life

Well it's been far too long since I was last here - again! I am suffering terribly from painters block, and while I have two projects on the go that MUST be finished by Christmas, I just can't seem to get going. There are several reasons for this, they include sick children, the time of year and even discovering the games on Facebook. I could (and have) blamed these factors among others - even my three yr old has told me to "just get on with it mum".
Now ordinarily I have a couple of wee tricks up my sleeve to deal with the afore mentioned "block". I have in the past tacked a large piece of plywood to my lounge room wall, amped up the sounds and literally thrown paint - incredibly therapeutic (not to mention messy) I've tried turning paintings upside down(an old fav of many) Sometimes pulling out a lump of clay, or playing with some of the kids craft stash can trigger a new painting.......the list goes on......but for the last couple of months - nothing but half finished canvases.
I'm lost, frustrated and stressed!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I've been tagged!

Well actually I was tagged weeks ago but I've been slack with my blog lately and well this afternoon to fight a massive bout of painters block I thought what better way to take my mind off my inability to paint.
I was tagged by fellow artist Chavah Kinloch, check out her fab blog - http://www.chavahkinloch.blogspot.com/

the rules are simple, now I've been tagged I have to list 6 things you don't know about me, so here goes -

  1. I hope one day to own a lifestyle block and become semi self sufficient - kind of a "Good Life" thing going on.
  2. I am terrified of water I can't see the bottom of - I once went snorkeling to try and overcome the feeling(it was my partner at the times idea) and although I would recommend the experience to everyone - I can't believe how stunningly beautiful it is under water, you'll never catch me doing it again! Before I was frightened because I didnt know whats down there, now I'm scared because I do know - fish people, big freakin fish - lots of them!
  3. I have a growing collection of hats - I love em. In fact a girl at my daughters school commented the other day that it was the first time she'd ever seen me without a hat, I've known this child for rather a long time.
  4. I have dyed my hair every colour but green - my all time favourite was described by an elderly woman in a craft shop as heliotrope.
  5. I like playing with playdough - I find it very therapeutic.
  6. My first car was a very very old Honda Civic called Geraldine - I didnt name her she came to me with a sticker on her gear shift that had her name on it. I miss that car it had a dent in every panel and didnt like to go in the rain - but she was cool and it was a sad sad day when I traded her in.

Now I'm tagging these fantastic NZ artists -

Cath Sheard - http://www.cathrs.blogspot.com/

Sharlene Schmidt - http://www.sharleneschmidt.synthasite.com/

Mark Godwin - http://www.pictureitponderitpaintit.co.nz/

Ronda Turk - http://frommypalette.blogspot.com/

Christine Dempster - http://www.freewebs.com/artbycee/

Shelly Van Soest - http://shellyvansoestartist.blogspot.com/

The rules:

1. Link to the person or persons who tagged you.

2. Post the rules on your blog.3. Write six random things about yourself.

4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.

5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.

6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.